Revolved Triangle Pose

Revolved Triangle Pose, also known as Parivrtta Trikonasana, is an advanced yoga pose that involves a deep twist and requires balance, flexibility, and strength. The pose primarily works with the spine, hips, shoulders, and hamstrings, while also strengthening your core and improving your balance. It is also an excellent pose for increasing the rotational capability of the body and creating more flexibility in the hips and lower back.

Correct form and technique

Follow these steps to perform Revolved Triangle Pose correctly:

  1. Start in a standing position: Stand with your feet wide apart. Turn your right foot 90 degrees outward, and slightly inward with your left foot.
  2. Twist your upper body: Lift your arms to shoulder height. Then twist your torso towards your right leg, and on an exhale, fold forward from the hips.
  3. Place your hand: Place your left hand on the outside of your right foot (or use a yoga block if the ground is out of reach), and stretch your right arm up towards the ceiling.
  4. Twist deeper: With each exhale, try to twist a little deeper while keeping the hips squared forward and the chest open. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths and repeat on the other side.

Common mistakes

Here are some common mistakes in Revolved Triangle Pose and how to avoid them:

  • Mistake: Excessive twisting in the spine - If you feel pressure in your lower back, it's a sign that you are over-twisting the back. Focus on lengthening the spine and avoid pushing too hard.
  • Mistake: Raised hips - Keep both hips parallel to the floor and avoid allowing them to lift upwards during the twist.
  • Mistake: Lack of alignment - Many lose the proper line in the body when twisting. Make sure both feet remain firmly planted and that you keep your chest open.

Modifications and variations

To adapt Revolved Triangle Pose for different levels, you can try these modifications:

  • Using a block: If you cannot reach the ground with your hand, use a yoga block for extra support and stability.
  • Less intense twist: For a less intense twist, keep your hand on your shin instead of the ground or block.
  • Improved balance: If balance is a challenge, perform the pose close to a wall for support.

Video: Basic technique in Revolved Triangle Pose

Watch this video for a thorough walkthrough of Revolved Triangle Pose:

Advanced approach to Revolved Triangle Pose

Here is a video that shows more advanced variations of Revolved Triangle Pose:

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